
特任研究员,博士生导师。2015年本科毕业于华中科技大学,2019年博士毕业于清华大学。2019-2022年于西湖大学先后任博士后、助理研究员。202211月加入中国科学技术大学生命科学与医学部,组建大分子机器结构与功能实验室。课题组主要利用生物化学和结构生物学手段,研究参与重要生命过程、与重大疾病相关的大分子机器的工作机理,揭示相关人类疾病的致病机制,促进新药研发。至今,已在CellScienceMolecular Cell, Cell Research.Nature Structural & Molecular Biology等期刊发表多篇高水平研究论文。






代表性论文(*first author, #corresponding author)

1. Xiaofeng Zhang*, Chuangye Yan*#, Jing Hang*, Lorenzo Finci, Jianlin Lei and Yigong Shi# (2017). An Atomic Structure of the Human Spliceosome. Cell(Cover Story)

2. Xiechao Zhan*, Chuangye Yan*, Xiaofeng Zhang*, Jianlin Lei and Yigong Shi# (2018). Structure of a Human Catalytic Step I Spliceosome. Science

3. Xiaofeng Zhang*, Chuangye Yan*, Xiechao Zhan*, Lijia Li, Jianlin Lei and Yigong Shi# (2018). Structure of the Human Activated Spliceosome in Three Conformational States. Cell Research(Cover Story)

4. Xiaofeng Zhang*, Chuangye Yan*, Xiechao Zhan*, Wenyu Zhang*, Dongliang Liu, Jianlin Lei and Yigong Shi# (2019). Structures of the human spliceosomes before and after release of the ligated exon. Cell Research

5. Jianhua Luo*, Qi Yang*, Xiaofeng Zhang*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Li Wan*, Xiechao Zhan, Yao Zhou, Liuqing He, Dnayang Li, Dazhi Jin, Ying Zhen, Jing Huang, Min Dong, Yanyan Li#, and Liang Tao# (2022). TFPI is an intestinal glandular receptor for C. difficile toxin B from the hypervirulent clade 2 lineages. Cell

6. Xiaofeng Zhang*#, Fenghua Yang*, Xiechao Zhan*, Tong Bian*, Zhihan Xing, Yichen Lu and Yigong Shi# (2023). Structural Basis of Pre-tRNA Intron Removal by Human tRNA Splicing Endonuclease. Molecular Cell

7. Xiaofeng Zhang*#, Xiechao Zhan*, Tong Bian*, Fenghua Yang*, Pan Li, Yichen Lu, Zhihan Xing, Rongyan Fan, Qiangfeng Zhang, Yigong Shi# (2023). Structural Insights into Branch Site Proofreading by Human Spliceosome. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (in press)

8. Xiechao Zhan*, Chuangye Yan*, Xiaofeng Zhang*, Wenyu Zhang, Jianlin Lei and Yigong Shi# (2018). Structures of the human pre-catalytic spliceosome and its precursor spliceosome. Cell Research

9. Lorenzo Finci#, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiuliang Huang, Qiang Zhou, Jennifer Tsai, Teng Teng, Betty Chan, Sean Irwin, Craig Karr, Andrew Cook, Silvia Buonamici, and Nicholas A. Larsen# (2018). The Cryo-EM Structure of the SF3b Spliceosome Complex Bound to a Splicing Modulator Reveals a Pre-mRNA Substrate Competitive Mechanism of Action.Genes & Development

10.Xiechao Zhan*, Yicheng Lu*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Chuanye Yan and Yigong Shi# (2022). Mechanism of exon ligation by human spliceosome. Molecular Cell

11.Chengcheng Wang*#, Zhouyan Guo*, Xiechao Zhan*, Fenghua Yang and Xiaofeng Zhang# (2020). Structure of the yeast Swi/Snf complex in a nucleosome-free state. Nature Communications

12.Fenghua Yang*, Tong Bian*, Xiechao Zhan*, Zhe Chen, Zhihan Xing, Nicolas A. Larsen, Xiaofeng Zhang#, and Yigong Shi# (2023). Mechanisms of the RNA Helicases DDX42 and DDX46 in Human U2 snRNP Assembly. Nature Communications


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