
教授 博士生导师 2001年本科毕业于安徽大学 2006年博士毕业于中科院上海生命科学研究院 2006年至2010年在美国Scripps研究所接受博士后训练 研究工作聚焦于利用冷冻电镜解析基因组稳定性调控的分子机制 在生物学问题和技术方法上都有深厚积累 先后建立和发展了多种高效制备蛋白质复合体的方法 突破冷冻电镜解析复杂复合体高分辨率结构和动态相互作用的关键瓶颈。

代表性工作发表于Science (2017); Nature Communications (2016, 2018); Cell Research (2014, 2019);先后荣获国家高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才(2019),第十二届“药明康德生命化学研究奖”获得者(2018),中国科大杰出研究校长奖获得者(2017),基金委优秀青年科学基金”获得者(2012),教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 入选者(2011)。






Wang, X., Ran, T., Zhang, X., Xin, J., Zhang, Z., Wu, T., Wang, W. and Cai, G*.  3.9 Å structure of the yeast Mec1-Ddc2 complex, a homolog of human ATR-ATRIP. Science, 2017. 358, 1206-1209.


Xin, J., Xu, Z., Wang, X., Tian Y., Zhang, Z. and Cai, G*. Structural insight into mechanisms of ATM activation (Accepted, Cell Research, 2019).


Wang, X*., AhmadS., Zhang, Z., CôtéJ., Cai, G*. Architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NuA4/TIP60 complex. Nature communications, 2018. 9, 1147 (doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03504-5).


Zhang, Z., Wang, X*., Xin, J., Ding, Z., Liu, S., Fang, Q., Yang, N., Xu, R., Cai, G*. Architecture of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex. Protein Cell, 2018. 9, 1045-1049.


Zhang, X., Wang, X.,* Zhang, Z. and Cai, G*. Structure and Functional Interactions of INO80 Actin/Arp Module. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2018. In press.


Wang, X., Chu, H., Lv, M., Zhang, Z., Qiu, S., Liu, H., Shen, X., Wang, W*., Cai, G*. Structure of the intact ATM/Tel1 kinase. Nature communications, 2016. 7, 11655 (doi: 10.1038/ncomms11655).


Wang, X., Sun, Q., Ding, Z., Ji, J., Wang, J., Kong, X., Yang J.H., and Cai, G.* Redefining the Modular Organization of the Core Mediator Complex. Cell Research, 2014. 24, 796-808 (Cover story).


Ma, R., Qiu, S., Jiang, Q., Sun, H., Xue, H., Cai, G.,* and Sun, B.* AI-2 quorum sensing negatively regulates rbf expression and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus, International Journal of Medical Microbiology2017. 06, 307(4–5): 257~267


Chen, P., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Sun, Q., Li, J., Wang, M., Niu, L., Cai, G.,* Teng, M.,* Li, X.* Crystal and EM structures of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthase I (PRS1) provide novel insights into the disease-associated mutations, PLos One2015.2.18, 10(3): e0120304


Wang, X., Wang, J., Ding, Z., Ji, J., Sun, Q., and Cai, G.* Structural flexibility and functional interaction of mediator Cdk8 module, Protein & Cell2013.12.4, 4(12): 911~920



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