神经生物学前沿学术报告:2019.11.05 Professor Yimin Zou (University of California, San Diego)学术报告会


报告题目:  Signaling Mechanisms of Glutatamatergic Synapse Formation
报告人:    Yimin Zou, Ph.D.
Professor Neurobiology Section Division of Biological Sciences
University of California, San Diego
时间:        2019年11月5日(周二),上午:10:00-11:30
地点:        西区生物楼429会议室
报告简介:Although much is known about the synaptic structure and function, the signaling mechanisms that directly assemble glutamatergic synapses have not been identified. We showed that components of planar cell polarity pathway are present in developing synapses and play important roles in synapse formation. I will introduce the evidence to suggest this pathway as a strong candidate for the signaling pathway directly mediating the assembly and disassembly of the glutamatergic synapses.
