2021.04.01 New York University 甘文标教授学术报告会

主讲人:甘文标教授,Skirball Institute & Department of Neuroscience and Physiology, New York University, School of Medicine

题目:In Vivo Studies of Synaptic Plasticity and Maintenance






甘文标教授,美国纽约大学医学院终身教授,1986年毕业于清华大学激光物理系,1995年在哥伦比亚大学获得神经生物学博士学位。甘教授在国际上首次研发出了经颅双光子活体显微成像技术,该技术能够实现长时程活体观察动物的神经元突触变化和神经元电活动情况。利用这个平台就大脑皮层神经突触可塑性进行研究,通过对学习和记忆过程中以及疾病状态下的树突棘可塑性进行分析,从而研究学习和记忆过程中以及疾病状态下(自闭症、慢性疼痛、抑郁症、睡眠障碍、精神分裂症和阿尔茨海默症)的树突棘可塑性的变化。甘教授的研究证明了大脑皮层大部分树突棘能稳定存在于整个生命过程,并能作为长期信息存储的结构基础;在学习记忆、睡眠功能、小胶质细胞功能领域做了一系列开创性工作;目前在国际期刊Nature (5)Science (2)Cell (1)Nature Neuroscience (7)等杂志上发表多达84篇高水准文章,其论文引用次数高达16285次。



The mammalian brain not only undergoes rapid synaptic changes critical for information encoding, but also is capable of maintaining most synaptic connections important for long-term information storage. Dendritic spines are the postsynaptic sites of most excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain. In this talk, I will discuss how novel experiences regulate the remodeling of dendritic spines, as well as the role of sleep in dendritic spine plasticity and maintenance. I will also discuss how inhibitory neurons and glial cells regulate the balance between synaptic plasticity and stability in the cortex. Because synapses are the key elements for information acquisition and retention, understanding how they are formed and maintained in the living brain provides important insights into the structural basis of learning and memory.
